Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is based on the assumption that insight and self-awareness has the potential to result in long lasting and deep-seated changes within your personality. Keeping painful experiences out of mind is a human trait, however sometimes it produces changes in how you feel and behave that cause problems for you, because although the painful experiences are out of mind they still have an important effect on your feelings and behavior. This includes early experiences from childhood that have been fundamental in shaping how you feel and behave.
You have been finding ways to manage your feelings since you were born and these ways of coping have stayed with you into later life. Within Psychoanalytic psychotherapy you will be encouraged to bring all of yourself into dialogue with your therapist, all of your thoughts, feelings and dreams.
One of the goals of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is to significantly increase your general sense of well-being and ability to manage life your more effectively. Increasing your awareness about your inner-world and how it affects your daily behavior produces more long-lasting and deep-seated change within your personality.
Psychoanalysis is a more intensive form of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Typically you will come in 3 to 5 times per-week and you may choose to lie on the couch. You will be asked to say everything that comes to your mind without editing so that together you and your analyst can look at emerging aspects of your experience that you generally kept well hidden. An analyst is specially trained to notice hints of unconscious meaning, to help deepen your understanding and insight. Your analyst will elucidate and interpret the meaning that she finds and you will refine, correct, reject and add further thoughts and feelings. This often leads to dramatic insights and changes in the quality of your daily life.
What is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy? What is Psychoanalysis?
A dream which is not interpreted is like a letter which is not read.
745 S Marengo AVe. suite 202,, Pasadena, CA 91106