Psychoanalytic Certificate; Psychoanalytic Center of California, West Los Angeles, California.
Psychoanalytic Certificate; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California
Ph. D., Psychology; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California. Dissertation: The Role of Projective Identification in the Bulimic Symptom of Binging and Purging.
M.A., Psychology; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California.
B.A., Psychology; San Diego State University, San Diego, California.
President of the Board of Directors, Rose City Center; Pasadena, California.
Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst and Faculty, Newport Psychoanalytic Institute; Tustin, California (Pasadena Campus).
Board of Rose City Center; Pasadena, California.
Clinical Director, Rose City Counseling Center; Pasadena, California
Treatment Team Leader, Group and Individual Supervisor; Fuller Psychological Services, Pasadena, California.
Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California.
Clinical Psychologist; private practice, Pasadena, California. Individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with adults and adolescents. Psychoanalytically informed therapy with couples.
Clinical Psychologist; private practice, Beverly Hills, California. Individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with adults, adolescents, and children.
Senior faculty in the Psychoanalytic Department; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California.
Staff Therapist; The Linden Center School, Los Angeles, California. Individual child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
Group Supervisor, Valley Community Clinic, North Hollywood, California.
Adjunct faculty, Ryocan College, Los Angeles, California.
Post-Doctoral Intern; The La Canada Counseling Center, La Canada, California. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy with couples, adults, adolescents and children. Psycho-diagnostic assessment.
Teacher and Supervisor; Pasadena Mental Health, Pasadena, California.
Assistant Clinical Director; California Graduate Institute Counseling Center, Westwood, California.
Psychological Intern; California Graduate Institute, Westwood, California. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with adults, adolescents, and children.
Drug Rehabilitation Counselor; South Bay Human Service Center, Torrance, California. Individual and group counseling
1. “Psychoanalytic Approach to Bulimia”
2. “Developmental Theory and Clinical Application”
3. “Anxiety and the Affective Disorders”
4. “Models of the Mind”
5. “The Beginning of Object Relations Theory: A Kleinian Perspective”
6. “Comparative Literature in Psychoanalysis”
7. “Clinical Case Conference”
8. “A Year of Observing an Infant in a Natural Setting
Projective Identification and Bulimia, “Psychoanalytic Psychology,” Vol. 10, No. 2, pgs. 261-273
The Buried Treasures of Childhood: A Guide to Intuitive Parenting.
American Psychological Association
International Psychoanalytic Association
American Psychoanalytic Association
“The Emotional Lives of Children: Understanding children’s communication and guiding them from impulsivity to self-awareness,” Cottage Co-op Nursery School, Pasadena, California, May 11, 1998
“The Myth of the Perfect Child: Understanding you child’s difficult behavior,” The South Pasadena- San Marino YMCA, April 11, 2000
“Dreams in Insight Oriented Psychotherapy,” Verdugo Mental Health Center, January 3, 2001.
“Parenting Issues is Family Therapy,” The Maple Center, Beverly Hills, California, November 11, 2002
“Working with Children’s Dreams,” The Maple Center, Beverly Hills, California, March 24, 2003
“The Kaleidoscope Factor: Tuning-in to Your Baby and Young Child’s inner Emotional World,” The International Mother’s Group, Sierra Madre, California, April 27, 2005
“From Impulsivity to Self-Control,” The United Church of Christ, Claremont, California, November 8, 2009
“From Impulsivity to Self-Control,” Pacific Oaks Children’s School, Pasadena, California, December 10, 2009
“Unbearable Moments of Childhood and Transformational Moments of Contact.” Newport Psychoanalytic Institute, South Pasadena, California. April 17, 2010.
“Children’s Dreams; Understanding, Enjoying and making use of these nighttime missives in the development of your child.: Crowell Public Library: Barth Community Room, San Marino, California. May 12, 2011